A Combat-Disabled, Veteran‑Owned Business
920 Christopher Rd
Campobello, SC 29322
Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 EST
Weekends Closed
A Combat-Disabled, Veteran‑Owned Business

Active Shooter Protection

School Violence Safety

Tornado Safety

Introducing the Vast6 from Big 6, LLC

Security in schools has become a leading topic of discussion and discourse. What is the right answer? Is there a true cost effective, secure option that is fast and easily deployable?

BIG 6, LLC proudly introduces the VAST6 Vault for Active Shooter and Tornadoes. The VAST6 offers an innovative collapsible active shooter ballistic protection device that meets Underwriter’s Laboratory Standard 752 Level 8, National Institute of Justice Standard 0108.01 Level 3 and F-5 Tornado protection meeting FEMA P-361 specifications. The shelter can be custom designed to accommodate size constraints and to your schools’ unique needs.

A small statured person can easily, and quickly, deploy the VAST6 in 20 seconds! Just visit our Active Shooter Security and Tornado Saftey pages for more information about this amazing system.

US Patents and Trademark Issued | Israeli Patent Issued

Vast6 Features

Real World Applications

Find out more about the VAST6 and how it can protect the most important part of our lives...our children!

920 Christopher Rd
Campobello, SC 29322
Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 EST
Weekends Closed